A blog of beauty is a joy for ever...

A blog of beauty is a joy for ever... Its beauty ever increase with every post added; It will never vanish into nothingness!

Location: Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Here I am... This is ME. [To Be Updated]

Thursday, July 27, 2006

And it poured...

RAIN...! The very word brings up so many memories into my mind... Reminds me of the golden school days... How we came back from school wet and dripping {I somehow always used to forget the raincoats/umbrellas}, the careless jumping in puddles... the washed-out roads and trees... everything seems so beautiful... Cars and bikes zipping past you splashing droplets everywhere... And when at home, its time for you to 'order' mom for hot samosas and pakoras... with ginger tea... :P And watching the rain belting down in different tempos... listening to it go tip-tap-tap... looking at people getting soaked from head to toe... with polythene bags on their heads saving precious little... lolz... Rain also makes a lot of {or should I say MOST} people quite romantic... or does it just help mainfest the subdued feelings and emotions... Rain is a lot of different things to a lot of different people...

Talking about rains... getting drenched, precisely when you're trying your level best not to get wet, is a humbling experience... I have this long history of getting drenched in rains; sometimes driven by my own desires, sometimes by reasons divine... beyond my control! :P

Was driving home from work yesterday... It was quite Sunny and was just thinking of the prospects of calling *someone* for a coffee at baristas... :P Cool romantic breeze was blessing everyone around... Everything was right with the World...!

But within minutes, I don't what happened, as if the Heavens were conspiring against me, it waxed darker and darker, the clouds came out of nowhere. And before you'd know, I could feel a stray big drop fall on me... Still, I was quite hopeful of reaching home before it went all 'bang-bang' as I did luckily the last 3-4 times... but Luck was not just by my side... Got stuck in the traffic red light for 5 mins and Heavens came down with all their fury... And soon I was dripping... cars and autos honking... puddles forming every where...

You know about getting wet in rain, once you are drenched completely, it doesn't matter how much it pours over you. It can't get any worse! :D The damage has already been done!

Reached my apartment, hurried up the stairs just to avoid anyone I know... was opening the main door when all of a sudden a voice{a neighbour} from behind said, "Kya hua bete... bahut bheeg gaye ho... Barish huyi thi kya?" and her daughter giggling away to glory... Got reminded of Murphy's laws... "The probability of anything going wrong is in inverse proportion to its desirability.. "

That's not all! The irony is this that as soon as I reached home, it stopped raining completely{not even a light drizzle!} , and the Sun was shining resplendently as if mocking me... I guess, "Mission Accomplished" for someone! lolz

Monday, July 24, 2006

Hurray!!! :-)

Well, today is a very special day for me as I launched the website for a Yahoo! Group which I had been managing since a long time! I am really happy about it after the grueling nights/mornings I have put while building it. Though surely, there are several sections which I need to improve on... but atleast I have Version 1.0 now! :-) The later versions would be much much easier!

I had been dilly-dallying with this idea of having a website for JW since a very long time. Maybe more than a year or even two! But then I thought that web-design is only Flash & Photoshop, and I had limited skills in them. Now I know that's not the only thing!

Had been involved in too many activities in the past and itw as difficult to squeeze out time for one more thing! But this time I decided to do it come what may! Coz if dint happen NOW, it NEVER would! The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step... And the journey of a thousand-page website starts with a single webpage! :P

Now as I reflect upon it, it has been a great journey starting May 30th when I bought the http://www.jatinder-wonderz.com/ domain and now today 24th July 2006 when I have finally launched it! All the pain & toil has been worthwhile. My eyes will stop burning from now on...{as would sleep at the usual times! :D}

Thank you God... Thank you all! Be Inspired!

"The future belongs to those who believe in the Beauty of their Dreams"
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, July 14, 2006

Screen! God-Damn Screens!

Screens! Have you guys ever wondered how many hours of your life you spend in front of those myriad screens? Your computer screen... your idiot-box screen... your mobile screen... your laptop screen... the movie-theatre screen... and so on...

So many screens which are actually *screening* you from living your lives as it should... ultimately making you their slaves...

Charmed. Addicted. Wasted.

Living this supposedly 'wonderful' life vicariously... grinning at other peoples' dialogues, laughing at them, becoming sad coz of their trials & tribulations... euphoric, nostaligiac, excited... all because of them. I ask, do you even have any feelings of your own? Is watching things as exciting at doing them?

Have always wondered, wouldn't it be great if there were a knob on the TV to turn up Intelligence? Wait! There's already one knob... we all know... Well, it's called 'Brightness', but it doesn't seem to work, eh? :P lolz

Frankly speaking, I have always wondered who are these people who watch those never-ending ho-hum serials ... Are they SO Bored and Directionless that they will gobble anything & everything served on their plate? Anyways... there are enough interesting things happening in my life, giving far more excitement and satisfaction than these can ever do... But sure I don't avoid the TV altogether... For me its more of Business News, Music, Movies and Sports! :D I love to meet like minded people... So, if you{dear reader :)} think we are on the same wavelength, do comment!:D

Well, talking about screens, being in the software industry, it sure is pretty hard{impossible} for me NOT to look at screens... And these days, I'm not even spared from it at home{but thats something constructive}... as am building a website... almost complete... Lets see... when I get to launch it... Should be pretty soon.

Life is SO VERY Beautiful & Wonderful to be gifted away trapped in the world of screens... Planning to go on a bike trip again soon to some place... maybe pondicherry or mysore or someother... The destination doesn't matter much to me coz I've always been interested and enjoyed the journey more!

Life for me is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed... To LIVE is so startling it leaves very little time for anything else...